Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Quran Memorization Chart - heart

Aslam alykom 

to all moms worriers who teach their kids Quran, Islam and Arabic;

I have found a heart chart to encourage kids to memorize Quran that I liked. I have found similar heart images online but they needed some cleaning up.

A cleaned up heart chart without noise is included in the attachment for your use and convenience.

To Download:

Powerpoint: Quran Memorization Heart Chart

PDF: Quran Memorization Heart Chart

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Peer instruction for active learning - Eric Mazur

Many educators have found that traditional lecture do little to improve students' learning and understanding. This was evident through Eric Mazur research. The goal was to get the students to apply what they learn in new contexts that is not limited to the traditional problems found in text books that rely mainly on certain strategies and conceptual problems that require rote memory.

Eric Mazur found evidence that peer teaching have enhanced students' learning, retention and enjoyment in class. He gives his intake on how to do peer teaching and teaching not for tests but for genuine understanding and learning was published in a book : peer instruction A User Manual Guide

I have also found that peer teaching is one of the methods used in whole brain teaching . A good place to start to know more is to watch this video.